ONE trick to get better at PvP TODAY!

Have you ever been on a map where your crosshairs disappear in the coloring of the background?  In the games I play I can almost never see where I’m aiming unless I aim down sights.  Because of this I was always towards the bottom of the scoreboard because I couldn’t aim hipshots quickly enough.  I’d end each match hating the game that I otherwise loved. 

Historically, I’ve not been the best at PvP.  There’s matches where I could wreck, but most of the time the odds were stacked against me.  The only reason I started playing PvP was to get Thorn in Destiny 1, and it took me a LONG time.  I wish I would have had the HipShot Dot back then.

The design of the HipShot Dot is simple, yet brilliant.  It’s a red LED housed in a suction cup that you stick on your screen right over your crosshairs.  The LED is powered by a USB plug that goes right into your PlayStation, Xbox, PC, battery bank, smart-fridge, or whatever USB power source is available.  Not enough USB slots?  No problem.  Check out our review of our favorite USB power strip here.

When the power is on, the red LED glows brightly and you can see where you’re aiming at all times, no matter what the graphic crosshairs look like or how color-washed they are in the map, or in some cases…don’t even exist.  This makes it easy to pull off hip shots, quick scope, or just give you a better idea of where you’re firing while running around without having to stop to ADS.

Installation is simple.  Plug the USB into power, Aim Down Sights in your game, and apply the LED suction cup over the crosshairs.  That’s it! 


The HipShot Dot has improved my PvP numbers noticeably since I started using it.  One of my favorite features is that it’s hardward, not software, so there’s no stigma or unethical implications like there are when using aim assist software (which we don’t condone).

The HSD is currently going for about $35 and can be found on Amazon among other online retailers.  Of all the gaming gear I own, this is probably the best bang for the buck.  Give it a try and see how much your K/D improves!

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