The Best USB Power Strip For Gaming

The Sabrent USB Hub is the best option for gaming.Get more POWER out of your console…or PC…or Smart Fridge.  Whatever it is that you’re gaming on, it’s likely you have a myriad of all the things that need to be plugged into it, however your USB power slots are in short supply.  What to do?!?!

Well, you need your headset dongle plugged in, obv.  You also need the power cord to charge your controller for those long nights.  Streaming?  You need to power your ring light, maybe the camera, maybe some RGB?  What about your USB powered drink cooler?  It’s time to end the heartache over choosing what accessories are brought to  life.

I’ve been using the Sabrent 4-Port USB Hub for over 2 years and it’s still going strong.  I get 4 USB ports instead of the 1 that it occupies on my PlayStation.  I have multiple headsets that I run depending on if I’m streaming or not, the power cable for my controller, my HipShot Dot, and ring light plugged into my 5 outlets.  

My favorite thing about this USB power strip is the ability to toggle each channel on and off from the hub itself.  Let’s say I switch headsets, I can power off the dongle for my PS Platinum headset and go over to my Astra A50’s without there being a conflict of connection and without having to remove any cabling.  I can also power off my RGB for middle of the day gaming, or if I want to use a different type of lighting.  The versatility is fantastic.  Each channel is indicated on or off by a blue LED and the buttons are also raised when off and flush with the body when on. 

The power cable leading from the console is only 2 feet, which isn’t very long, but you actually don’t need it to be since everything you’re powering is right there anyway.

The best part?  It’s only $12 on Amazon!

If your USB powered gaming accessory armada is growing (like it should inevitably be) this is the best option to power everything without compromising.  Need more than 5 USB power slots? Sabrent also offers a 7 port USB hub, although it requires external power.

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